We provide access to important information on governing bodies and authorities’ websites.
Citizens Information
The Citizens Information website provides comprehensive information on public services and on the entitlements of citizens in Ireland. We gather information from various government departments and agencies, and make sure that you have all the information you need, presented in an easy-to-understand way.
The Revenue Commissioners
The Central Bank Reform Act of 2010 established the Central Bank of Ireland, which now handles central banking and financial regulation, replacing the Central Bank, Financial Services Authority of Ireland, and the Financial Regulator. It came into effect on October 1st, 2010.
ROS - Revenue On-line Service
ROS is a digital platform used by Revenue to offer interactive customer services. It allows for secure and convenient tax filing, payment, and access to tax details, available around the clock. Log in for ROS, MyAccount, and LPT.
Budget 2023
This website, created by the Department of Finance, provides information on the annual Irish Budget, including reports, statements, and related documents. It also features details of past budgets.
Rent Tax Credit
The new Rent Tax Credit is available for the tax years 2022 to 2025. The Rent Tax Credit reduces the amount of Income Tax that you are due to pay for a tax year. To benefit from the Rent Tax Credit, you must have an Income Tax liability to offset against it.
Revenue - Local Property Tax
Revenue administers an annual self-assessed Local Property Tax (LPT) charged based on the value of residential properties. This link facilitates online payment, filing, and management of Household Charge Arrears.
PAYE Modernisation
The PAYE Modernisation Project is the most significant reform of the PAYE system since its inception. Employers must calculate and report employee pay and deductions in real-time as they are paid.
Chartered Accountants Ireland
Chartered Accountants Ireland is a professional membership organization with 23,000 members worldwide. Its Council sets policy and oversees its implementation, with support from the Officer Group, Management Team, and staff. The Institute's mandate is to educate, represent, and assist its members.
Accounting Technicians Ireland
As the primary organization for accounting technicians in Ireland, Accounting Technicians Ireland (formerly IATI) reinvests all revenues for member benefit. They are an associate member of the International Federation of Accountants and a partner body of Chartered Accountants Ireland.
Central Bank of Ireland
The Central Bank Reform Act of 2010 established the Central Bank of Ireland, which now handles central banking and financial regulation, replacing the Central Bank, Financial Services Authority of Ireland, and the Financial Regulator. It came into effect on October 1st, 2010.
Bank of Ireland
Founded in 1783 by Royal Charter, Bank of Ireland is a conservative retail and commercial bank that values personal relationships and offers diverse financial services.
Permanent TSB
Permanent TSB Group Holdings plc, previously known as Irish Life & Permanent plc, is an Irish financial services provider that offers various products such as mortgages, loans, credit cards, online banking, and savings accounts.
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